I had this great idea for my web apps.  Anytime I needed to have a user
authenticated, I'd check to see if the session.is_authenticated variable
was set and if not, I'd throw a custom error type of "notLoggedIn".  In
my application.cfm file I'd have a cferror tag that would trap this
error and send it to the login form.  Then I found out it won't work.
When you throw a custom error tag, CF puts it inside a
coldfusion.runtime.CfErrorWrapper error type.  This would still work if
I also didn't want to trap notAuthorized errors, etc. also.  

Is there a way to trap the error inside the CFErrorWrapper object?


Marlon Moyer, Sr. Internet Developer

American Contractors Insurance Group

phone: 972.687.9445

fax: 972.687.0607


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