Hi to all.

I've been working on a solution to the problem of building a secure download
system for my company's software. We have a pretty good system in place
today, but it lacks support for pause/resume for interrupted downloads, and
the current solution uses cfcontent to push files, which ends up loading the
JRun process memory to the point where it dies.

I found a little server-side product called ActiveFile by Infomentum
(www.infomentum.com) that provides all the features I need, including
pause/resume support, on-the-fly archive suppor, etc. The only catch is that
ActiveFile doesn't seem to support Cold Fusion, or rather CF doesn't support
ActiveFile, because it provides such limited ability to output binary data
to the browser. I can instantiate the server object in ASP and spit out a
file no problem, but if I try the same code in CF, I get nothing. That's no
surprise to me, really, but I was wondering if anyone had seen or done
anything lately in CFMX that addresses this problem. I'm willing to just use
an ASP page to server the files, but then I have to build a bunch of
redundant security code in ASP, and I hate that kind of a kludge.

Has anyone heard anything about Macromedia addressing this issue of binary
output support in an upcoming release? This has been an issue for years,
it's ridiculous.


Rob Munn
Manager of Web Development
Peregrine Systems, Inc.
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