<cfloop list="#itemList#" index="thisItem">
<cfset itemNo = Replace(thisItem, "item_id","")>

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 08:30:51 -0700 (PDT), cf coder
> Hello everybody,
> Please can someone show me how to do this. I have a
> comma separated list.
> <cfset itemList = item_id1, item_id2, item_id3,
> item_id11, item_id12, item_id13.
> I want to loop through this list and get the
> character(s) after the "item_id" (in this case:
> 1,2,3,11,12,13)
> Here is the code I've written:
> <cfset total = 2>
> <cfloop from="1" to="#total#" index="thisItem">
> <cfset itemNo =
> Right(ListGetAt(itemList,thisItem),Find("item_id",itemList))>
> <cfoutput>#itemNo#</cfoutput>
> </cfloop>
> I would really appreciate your help.
> Regards,
> cfcoder
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