an alternative idea would be to have an image at the bottom of the
first page, that tracks users... I have used this for some sites using
PHP (can be done with CF) just by linking to a CF script that logs the
requests... not sure how many people "stop" loading a page and how
fast this is because of the nature of the web

Not sure if very clear but the basic of this is
1) have an image at the bottom of your homepage
2) that image is linked to a scrip that logs requests
3) if they stop loading the page halfway through, the image wont be
loaded (right?)

Hope this helps


On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 16:49:36 +0200, Uwe Degenhardt
> Hi Mark, yes we have IIS, but I don't see, which one I could
> take. Status-Code 200 doesn't give me the right information.
> How would you do this on your Apache ?
> Infact we have more than one virtual log as well,
> so that shouldn't be the problem.
> Uwe
> MD> Back to the topic ...
> MD> Depending on the machine setup (with multiple virtual hosts) you can
> MD> have different log  files. *I have using apache*
> MD> does this help? or is it all going into one file?
> MD> MD
> MD> On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 22:27:43 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> MD> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> oops.
> >> sorry. I hope I didn't
> >> hurt somebody.
> >>
> >> Maybe I should have asked my former
> >> english teacher BEFOREHAND of
> >> writing my subjectline of the thread. ;-)
> >>
> >> Uwe
> >>
> >>
> >>
> MD>
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