Well thanks you Joe.  But just one question do I try it with a seperate statement or place it in the from.

>Hi Stevo,
>#iif(not len(trim(email)),DE('my company email'),"email")# should get
>you where you need to go.
>However, you may want to solve this problem at the database level (or
>whatever layer is one up from where you currently are) so that you don't
>have to continually implement this if you need to do the same logic in
>another place.  Perhaps something like this:
>  CASE email
>     ELSE email
>     END AS email
>FROM customers
>WHERE customerId = customerId
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stevo Vee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 11:55 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: cfmail problem
>Please Help. I am changing some forms and actions on my website. I have
>a lead subscription website and currently the lead emails that go to my
>subscribing companies have my websites email as the sent and reply
>email with the customers in the form.  I am changing to have the
>customers as the from and reply email now which I have acomplished.
>HOWEVER, now if the customer does not have an email the lead gets lost
>cyber space. How can I make add a rule that if the customer has no
>email and only phone that it at least goes to me or my subcribing
>using perhaps my websites email acting as a default?? Below is the
>current code: Your help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
><cfmail to="#CompanyEmail#" cc="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from="#Email# "
>subject="leads #CategoryText# Lead">#CategoryText#
>I have tried the following but it still did not work:
>CFIF trim(Email) EQ "">
>    <CFSET Email = "my company email">
><cfmail to="#CompanyEmail#" cc="my company email" from="#Email# "
>subject="leads #CategoryText# Lead">#CategoryText#
><cfif CategoryID IS 2>Company Name: #FORM.CompanyName#</cfif>
>FROM="#iif(email EQ '',DE('my company email'),email)#"
>Try that too.  I didn't test it...it might need to be  #iif(email EQ
>'',DE('my company email'),DE(email))#
>  _____
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