The program below reads and searches an iTunes xml file and returns the
names of the playlists.

It works fine as long as the XML file is 200K or less.  Anything bigger
gives an error:


The error is caused by the XmlSearch function on line 4.

By contrast, I can cfexecute a Perl program that line-by-line reads a
84,00 line / 3.8 Meg xml file, extract all the playlists and their
songs, export them, and write to external files -- in 2-3 seconds.

The CF-only program runs for about 6-7 seconds before it throws the

I really would prefer an all CF solution, but it does not appear that
the XmlSearch function is robust enough to handle a reasonable-size xml

I wonder, Am I doing something wrong or are people not using XmlSearch,
or just using it on small xml files.



Here's the cf program.

1 <!--- Convert file to XML document object --->
2 <cffile action="" file="/Users/Richard/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music
LibraryCopy1.xml" variable="myxml">
3 <cfset mydoc = XmlParse(myxml)>
4 <cfset playlists = XmlSearch(mydoc,
5 <cfdump var="#Playlists#">
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