I've been trying to come up with an automated way, but the problem is
figuring out what the bounced email reason is programmatically since
each mail server responds with a different message.  One thing you
didn't mention that you may want to look into is the failto option in
<cfmail>.  That works well and gives you the ability to have the bounces
go to a certain address.  What you do from there can either be manual,
or if you can narrow it down into a process that runs automatically,
that's even better.  The one thing I thought about is, what if, for some
reason there is an smtp problem on your server or some sort of internet
connectivity issue and all of your mail "bounces" or is set to
undeliverable?  Then if it's automated, everyone would get removed from
your list.  There's also a severity level in the bounced emails that
might help to read to make sure it's not just a temporary delivery
problem that eventually will get resolved.  Very tricky problem.  Let me
know if you come up with a good solution.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: What do you do with bounced emails?

Those of you who send out bulk emails from your sites,  how do you
the inevitable bounced emails/undeliverable/invalid addresses etc?   

I've told my client he should set up a mailbox to use as a 'replyto' and
collect them there, and after he sends out a mailing, open it with his
email client, then remove each one.

Do the rest of you do this or do you have an automatic way to handle
bounced emails and update your mailing lists?  (If so can you share it
with me


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia
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