The script bellow does not work right.

myone = toString(20031125160712114);
mytwo = toString(20031125160712113);
if ("#mytwo#" NEQ "#myone#") {
writeoutput("#myone# and #mytwo# are <b>not</b> the same");
} else {
writeoutput("#myone# and #mytwo# are the same");

Try it out and you will see the output of the second writeoutput. We
have tested this on CF 4.0 on up to 6.1 and it happens every time. yes
there are unnecessary #'s and quote marks take them out and you will
see the same issue.

So the question is: Is this a BUG? Can anyone enlighten me as to why
this is happening?

Those numbers are record IDs from a database so they would have to be
compared in this way.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ian Sheridan
Time Warner Cable
1-212-379-5138 x85138
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