My worst contract ever.

ok so I'm about to loose my cool and being that this
is a professional list and I'm trying professional does
anybody have any suggestions for how to approach a
senior who acts in this manner.

me (9:55:48 AM): so now that we have 6.1 theres this
issue that's been bugging me (using ~ to designate
breaks) and with 6.1 theres a real easy way to fix the
issue using a nifty udf (user defined functions)
developed by Ben Forta (heard of him?) called
senior (10:01:16 AM): the function just uses replace()
to flip a char with another...yes?
me (10:01:43 AM): yes
me (10:01:55 AM): but instead of requiring the user to
put in ~
me (10:02:09 AM): it looks for chr(13) and chr(10)
me (10:02:23 AM): carriage returns and line breaks
me (10:02:57 AM): it also formats tabs
senior (10:03:17 AM): doe sit pick up soft returns?
me (10:03:55 AM): yes that's a line break
me (10:04:00 AM): chr(10)
senior (10:04:05 AM): what about spaces before soft
me (10:04:47 AM): leaves those alone
me (10:05:26 AM): (I think only ms word strips extra
spaces oh and html unless there is a character before
the soft return)
senior (10:06:22 AM): not to sound sarcastic...I am OK
with it bugging you for now...they are used to the ~
and they dont have to learn anything new...good item
for the wish list
senior (10:06:22 AM): not worth the time for now
me (10:23:03 AM): well to be clear as to where I stand
(so it can't be said I didn't communicate my feelings)
I believe its what professionals call bad code and it
bothers me as much as improper tabbing bothers you but
you seem fine with that.
senior (10:25:36 AM): it's all about time and
money...if we worked for free...we could bring
everything up to date...alas, we dont

This is but one example of his defense of old code
that is just terrible (the worst is approx 16 pages
made to email/fax/preview an approval to a client).
Yet to the owners he is the golden boy because he
produces these 'miracles' of the web

Any advice

-Joshua O'Connor-Rose
-All is Good
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