Ok, ok, I've been holding off on this because I wanted to write
something up about it. Here it is.

1. Find an image package that will allow you to create and write text on
top of a image.

2. Create a file like below.


<cfset theImage=Your image manipulation package>

<cflock timeout="2" throwontimeout="yes" name="captchaImage">
<cfset session.captchaString=yourRandomUniqueStringGoesHere>
<cfset captchaString=session.captchaString>

<cfset theImage=write(session.captchaString)>

<cfcontent type="image/gif" reset="true>

3. Include the image on your form

<img src="">
4. Include a field the user can type into.

5. Action page check form field with session.captchaString.

That's as simple as it gets.

Whittingham, P wrote:

> thanks...didn't know that.
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