You should be able to join those two queries together, either using a JOIN,
or a subselect.  Then you'd just have a single query coming back from the
database, rather than the main query, followed by an additional query for
every row in the main query.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Butch Zaccheo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 5:01 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Queries Queries Queies
> Ok... this is my end goal..... to bring back a list of
> zipcodes within a
> given radius and compare that list against a list if dealers
> addresses.
> Right now I query the zipcodes table and bring back a list of zipcodes
> within a given radius. I create an array and then loop
> through all zipcodes
> in the array checking each against the list of dealers...
> this is where the
> problem comes in.
> My US zipcode table had about 70,000 records in it. Processing time is
> fairly quick using the method above. However, when I added
> the Canadian
> postal codes to the US postal codes my total records
> increased to 800,000.
> With this amount of data I get far to many return zip/postal
> codes to use a
> loop function.
> Can anyone help me with a single query that will perform this function
> rather than using two steps (basically a query of query)?
> My current code:
> (query to return zipcodes within a given radius)
> <cfquery name="getCities" datasource="some_datasource">
>         Select DISTINCT zip as returnZip, city, state,
> SQR(((#miles_per_lat#
> * (latitude - #Val(getZip.latitude)#))*(#miles_per_lat# * (latitude -
> #Val(getZip.latitude)#))) +  ((#miles_per_lon# * (longitude -
> #Val(getZip.longitude)#))*(#miles_per_lon#  * (longitude -
> #Val(getZip.longitude)#)))) AS Distance
>         FROM zipcode_data
>         WHERE (latitude BETWEEN #Val(Val(getZip.latitude) -
> deg_latitude)#
>         AND #Val(Val(getZip.latitude) + deg_latitude)#)
>         AND (longitude BETWEEN
> #Val(Val(getZip.longitude)-deg_longitude)#
>         AND #Val(Val(getZip.longitude)+deg_longitude)#)
>         AND SQR(((#miles_per_lat# * (latitude -
> #Val(getZip.latitude)#))*(#miles_per_lat# * (latitude -
> #Val(getZip.latitude)#))) +
>           ((#miles_per_lon# * (longitude -
> #Val(getZip.longitude)#))*(#miles_per_lon#  * (longitude -
> #Val(getZip.longitude)#)))) <= #Replace(radius,",","","all")#
>         </cfquery>
> (loop through all return zipcodes to find dealers with this zipcode)
> <cfloop Query="GetCities">
>                 <cfquery name="getDealerInfo"
> datasource="some_datasource">
>                     SELECT * FROM dealers
>                     WHERE Zip='#getCities.returnZip#' AND
> AudLoc='str' OR
> left(dealers.Zip, LeftVar)='#getCities.retrunZip#' AND AudLoc
> = 'bsw' ORDER
> BY company
>                 </cfquery>
>                     <cfif getDealerInfo.RecordCount GT 0>
>                         <cfloop Query="GetDealerInfo">
>                             <cfset MaxPos =
> ArrayLen(session.DealersList) +
> 1>
>                             <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][1]="#GetDealerInfo.Company#">
>                             <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][2]="#GetDealerInfo.Address#">
>                             <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][3]="#GetDealerInfo.City#">
>                             <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][4]="#GetDealerInfo.State#">
>                             <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][5]="#GetDealerInfo.Zip#">
>                             <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][6]="#GetDealerInfo.Phone#">
>                             <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][7]="#getCities.Distance#">
>                                 <cfif GetDealerInfo.Website IS NOT "">
>                                     <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][8]="#GetDealerInfo.Website#">
>                                 <cfelse>
>                                     <cfset
> session.DealersList[#MaxPos#][8]="none">
>                                 </cfif>
>                         </cfloop>
>                     </cfif>
> Any help would be much appreciated....
> Butch Zaccheo
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