I should start by saying I have never written a tutorial so I don't know what it feels like to have my IP stolen personally.  I am far from an expert with CF, maybe proficient.  I have bennefited from tutorials across the web to help me with my website, the purpose of which to simple provide Hiking information to people around Washington State.  I don't do this to make money, just a philantropic undertaking ( I like the feeling of knowing people are getting value out of something I created).  

Seems to me the purpose of my website and tutorials are generally the same, to provide information to the masses to make the overall picture we all live in better.  If I had the skill to create a valuable tutorial I think the bennefit to the community outweighs the possibility/likelyhood that it will be ripped off.  Isn't the point of the whole undertaking to put these great ideas into the hands of those who can use them to in turn make something valuable to the greater community?  Either way it is being accomplished.  I can only imagine it is painful to have others claim your work as their own, but I think the overall good of putting information on the web to be used by others outweighs that pain.

Just my 2cents.



From: Peter Tilbrook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 6/17/2004 3:47 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: OT Plagiarism accusation stops posting

I think my real mistake was, despite the best intentions, it was my
material. Big mistake which I have learnt from. My inentions were good but I
stuffed up basically!


From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 17 June 2004 3:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT Plagiarism accusation stops posting

This fuss is the main reason I haven't posted up the tutorials I've written
for myself.   As I've learned how to do many things I've kept them as
tutorials on my own intranet but I wont post them on the web, because
there's bound to be someone who says "That's mine!! I wrote that!.   The
issue is, while I didn't invent the techniques in the tutorials, I certainly
wrote the tutorials, but the language and style is similar to others I've
seen.  And some of the text will be out of the emails here on CF-TALK, where
I've learned how to do the thing in the tutorial.

I understand about copyright and intellectual property - I spend a lot of my
off-work time working with musicians and record labels in that field.  But
also the fear of being accused of plagiarism in my case is keeping me from
sticking my head up and saying "I'll share what I know".

The origins of some of the stuff I have is so mixed up now  I'll never be
able to say "that bit's from him, and that bits from him".   

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
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