Use the 'query' attribute of the cfmail tag to loop over a query and send
the email to everyone in the db, if you know that each and every email
address is valid (syntactically).  If not, create the sql query, then loop
(using cfloop, using cfmail over every loop) and cftry/cfcatch to make sure
that the invalid emails are caught and can be dealt with.


  alAt 01:34 PM 6/18/2004, you wrote:
>I've made a CF page where an administrator can write an email, and upon
>the click of the "Send" button, I want to send it to every user in our
>database.  We have a Users table that contains all user information,
>including e-mail addresses.
>Is there a way to send the email to all users inside the <cfmail> tag?
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