On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 00:26:28 -0700, Dick Applebaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Copy pasting into what?
> If it is just a doc displayed in word into a text area, you don't need
> to do anything -- you are copying the text only, not the formatting
> info.

This is not true, as I've run into this problem first-hand in a couple
of data entry tool projects I have worked on. MS quotes, apostrophes,
emdashes, etc., all paste as they are formatted in MS Word into
textareas, at least in IE 6 on Windows. Unfortunately, when this gets
saved to the database (in our case, Oracle using cfqueryparam), these
special characters are saved as boxes, which is a pain in the butt. To
get around this problem, I use a great UDF (that was also just updated
a few days ago to improve its scrubbing range) in the cfquerparam
calls to clean up these sorts of characters:


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