You could for example check if the chi.request_method is POST, if so loop
over the form structure and run the regex on each key of the form structure,
you could do the same thing for the URL structure.

But..... your probably better of using cfqueryparam or cfprocparam, which I
believe should protect you against SQL injection in most cases.

Taco Fleur

Tell me and I will forget
Show me and I will remember
Teach me and I will learn

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 25 June 2004 6:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Coldfusion & Regex

Can anybody on the list provide any examples of using coldfusion with

For example I have the following line of regex that checks for the
detection of SQL meta characters, which will help prevent SQL Injection


I envisage this will be placed in the application .cfm of the site, but
how would you integrate it in with coldfusion to check for invalid input
via cookies, form input, http entries etc???

Any ideas would be most welcome


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