I'm storing a list of users who have signed up for an email list in a
database.  I have a simple web app for users to use when they want to
send something to their email list.  When they click send, I'm using
<cfmail query="blah"> to send the mail out to all of the users
individually.  The problem I've run into is that CF has choked on
invalid email addresses (legacy ones that have been brought to me from
other databases) and when that happens, CF produces an error and quits.
I thought about doing <cfoutput query="blah"><cfmail
to="#email#...></cfoutput> but I'm fairly sure that takes some serious
performance hits or else there wouldn't be the query attribute to
CFMAIL.  Is there any way to tell CFMAIL to keep processing and just
skip the invalid address?  I'm guessing that a cftry/cfcatch block will
only catch the error and move on but will not tell CF to finish the

Any ideas? thoughts? Rants? etc?

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