On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 17:43:16 +0200, Mark Drew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Talking about http://www.linode.com made me think about something. how
> many people are running CF (5 or MX) on Apache (1 or 2) on production
> servers? I love apache for my laptop/development environments and I
> swear by OS X (and swear at PC's!) but I havent come across many
> production environments using Apache.

We use Apache 2.0.49 on several Red Hat/Solaris installations we have
of CFMX on top of JRun 4. We've never had a problem with it and
installation is a breeze.

> Any good or bad stories?

Nothing but good experiences with it in a *nix environment, though I
can't speak for Windows as we don't use it.

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