Hi Everybody,

I can't figure out why this code in the template for verifying Username
and Password will not work correctly.  I am trying to verify a Username
and Password from a Login form, then pass the user to the next page.  It
checks for the username and password correctly and will not allow anyone
to enter the protective area without a username and password, but
unfortunately, I can put in any combinations of passwords and usernames
and pass to the next page.  It does not re-route the person back to the
Login page, if the username and password are incorrect.  Any help would
greatly be appreciated. Below is the code:

<!---Check for Username--->
<CFPARAM name="HaveUsername" default="yes">

<CFIF IsDefined("Cookie.Username")>
<CFSET USERNAME=Cookie.Username>
<cfset USERNAME="">
<cfif IsDefined("Form.Username")>
<cfset USERNAME=Form.Username>
<cfcookie name="username" value="#Form.Username#">
<cfset HaveUsername="no">

<!---Check for a Password--->
<CFPARAM name="HavePassword" default="yes">

<cfif IsDefined("Cookie.Password")>
<cfset PASSWORD=Cookie.Password>
<cfset PASSWORD="">
<CFIF IsDefined("Form.Password")>
<CFSET PASSWORD=Form.Password>
<CFCOOKIE NAME="password" VALUE="#Form.Password#">
<cfset HavePassword="no">

<!---Check Authentication Status and if not authenticated handle it--->
<cfif NOT IsAuthenticated()>
<!---If we have a password and username, try authenticating--->
<cfif HaveUsername and HavePassword>

<!---IF an exception is thrown, handle it--->
<cfcookie name="username" value="" expires="now">
<cfcookie name="password" value="" expires="now">
<cflocation url="login.cfm">

<!---If not accepted, send user back to the Login page--->
<cfif IsDefined("Username") and ("Password") IS "Yes">
<cflocation url="login.cfm">
<!---User is Authenticated,allow user to secure page--->
<cfif IsDefined("Username") and ("Password") IS "Yes">
<cflocation url="reg.cfm">


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