Original Message:
> From: Jordan Michaels

> I don't think there's a way to do that normally using the DateFormat()
> function, but this will work:
> <CFSET variables.i = DateFormat(Now(), "d")>
> <CFIF variables.i IS 1>
>     <CFOUTPUT>#DateFormat(Now(), "dddd, mmmm d")#st,#DateFormat(Now(), "
> yyyy")#</CFOUTPUT>
> <CFELSEIF variables.i IS 2>
>     <CFOUTPUT>#DateFormat(Now(), "dddd, mmmm d")#nd,#DateFormat(Now(), "
> yyyy")#</CFOUTPUT>
> <CFELSEIF variables.i IS 3>
>     <CFOUTPUT>#DateFormat(Now(), "dddd, mmmm d")#rd,#DateFormat(Now(), "
> yyyy")#</CFOUTPUT>
>     <CFOUTPUT>#DateFormat(Now(), "dddd, mmmm d")#th,#DateFormat(Now(), "
> yyyy")#</CFOUTPUT>
> </CFIF>

Actually, that won't quite do it. If I'm reading the code correctly, that will also generate July 21th, July 22th, July 23th, and July 31th.

So, you'll need conditional code to also take those numbers into account. (Unfortunately, you can't just look at the last character in the numeric date, because 11, 12, and 13 work differently from 1, 2, and 3.)


Scott Brady
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