Is there ever a good reason to use IsDefined rather than


From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 5:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: StructKeyExists() vs IsDefined()

> It looks from that like structKeyExists() will check if the structure
is the
> name of a scope and not bother to check if it is the name of a
structure in
> one of the implicit scopes.

I think you're misunderstanding what's been said: CF itself does the
lookup on the first argument to structKeyExists() - whatever it finds,
in whatever scope it finds it, is what is passed to structKeyExists()
to look at.

> <cfset = structNew()>
> <cfset = "bar">
> <cfoutput>#structKeyExists(foo,'test')#</cfoutput>
> returns "YES", while this:

CF looks up foo and finds it in variables scope and passes the
'contents' of foo to structKeyExists(). structKeyExists() looks inside
that and finds the key test.

> <cfset variables.form  = structNew()>
> <cfset variables.form.test = "bar">
> <cfoutput>#structKeyExists(form,'test')#</cfoutput>
> returns "NO"

Right. CF looks up form and finds the form scope and then passes the
'contents' of that to structKeyExists(). structKeyExists() looks
inside that and does not find bar.

> There is nothing in the documentation to support that this should be
> case.

Sure there is but it's all about variable lookup in scopes and nothing
to do with structKeyExists().
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