I've just started moving some stuff over to a server running BlueDragon
(free version) and I've found a couple of inconsistencies...

Anyone know why the following code works fine in CFMX but not so well in
BlueDragon. When run in BlueDragon I get an error: "Invalid index to
query column. valcol cannot be evaluated to an integer value."

<cfset selected = iif(listfind(ivalue,iquery[valcol][x]),de("selected"),

Here's the call and the function:


<cffunction name="in_select" returntype="string"

            output="false" hint="returns an html select list">

            <cfargument name="iname" type="string" required="true">

            <cfargument name="ivalue" type="string" required="true">

            <cfargument name="iquery" required="true">

            <cfargument name="valcol" type="string" required="true">

            <cfargument name="labelcol" type="string" required="true">

            <cfargument name="option1" type="string" default=",please

            <cfargument name="size" type="numeric" default="1">

            <cfargument name="multiple" type="boolean" default="false">

            <cfargument name="maxlength" type="numeric" default="25">

This may look really familiar to you Isaac!


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