At 09:21 19/08/00 -0700 paul smith said....
>Well, I have to disagree.  For lists up to 3,000 or so,
>(the limit of my experience with CF-driven lists)
>a CF-driven list server offers flexibility and features
>others do not, such as dynamically selected message
>content that varies for each subscriber.  This is a must
>feature in the age of one-to-one marketing.

I think we have a case of misunderstanding, what you describe is
not what I call a list.  You are describing an email newsletter,  a
sophisticated event driven newsletter but a one way email process.  

There are several CF mail tags that will handle that well we use
the iMS SE Post server for deliveries in excess of 5000 in very
similar fashion to your service.

However,  when it comes to a list where the email communication is
automated both ways CF is not what you want.  If you need a List
server you need a List server.

I was pointing out that the iMS server is a high quality mail/list
server engine that happens to be controlled and configured by CF
templates that you write.  I think the only thing we disagree on is
our use of terms!

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