In desperation, I've now set up an IIS (...ick...) virtual directory
pointing to the directory with all my cfcs in, and lumped the interface
cfcs in with the back-end cfcs in the same directory, along with my web
service Application.cfm. (ugh.....makes my skin feel creepy...).

It now works.....more or less.....some of the time.....

It seems to randomly fail, giving me errors like "cannot resolve CFC
datatype" for components that have not been changed, the good old
"cannot generate stub objects" error, and a whole host of other axis
errors that I'm not even going to bother to list - NOTE: if I restart
the server, it works at first, for about 10 minutes, then suddenly stops
working for no apparent reason.

Oh yes, and if I type in the wsdl address, sometimes I get valid wsdl,
sometimes I get nothing but a blank browser screen, sometimes I get an
axis error, sometimes I get what looks like valid wsdl but when I try my
test client to actually invoke the webservice, it tells me that the wsdl
cannot be parsed. Sometimes this happens after I add a totally innocuous
line into my web service CFC (like a comment! Yes, adding a comment can
break it!), sometimes it starts failing without me changing anything.

If anyone can come out with a "I've done this and it worked first time,
and I've never had any problems with it..." I'll be eternally grateful
if they can walk me through it. Otherwise, I'm giving up - this is way
too much of a headache.

Thanks for your help guys.

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