Looks good!

But nothing downloaded.

Such a tease....


On Jul 15, 2004, at 8:19 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:

> Hi All,
>  I've been developing a series of custom tags ("jComponents") that
>  provide tab navigation, trees, and accordian panes (plus a utility
>  "box" that shows/hides content).
>  URL:  http://clearsoftware.net/clear/?template=downloads.jComponents
>  Info:
>  Implementation is all CF - no CSS or _javascript_ required.  They nest
>  and play well with others.
>  Currently released in a "Beta'" format.  If anyone finds them useful,
>  please send feedback, as I'd like to move to a 1.0.
>  I plan to keep them forever free of charge for any type of use, but am
>  undecided as to open sourcing.
>  Thanks,
>  Joe
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