Many thanks, that's an excellent idea.

regards, Andrew.

> On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 18:41:17 -0400, Andrew Grosset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> com> wrote:
> > My question is: will the search engines follow that link to the
> final destination and
> > would cflocation be best used or a meta refresh in the link_counter.
> cfm page?
> As I understand it, that won't work very well. Much of the benefit of
> link directories lies in the search engines counting how many other
> sites link to a particular site, to calculate the site's perceived
> importance. Search engine spiders wouldn't see your example link as a
> link to houseoffusion... they'd see it as a link to the same site. I
> believe cflocation sends a 301 "moved" header (I could be wrong, I
> always get 301 and 302 mixed up) so search engines might be hesitant
> to consider it a permanent link. Ditto with meta refresh... most
> spiders just won't bother following it.
> Here's how I'm planning on building a link directory for a tourism
> site I'm involved with:
> <a href=""> > > > false">Example Site</a>
> (onclick can be a function or whatever counting method you want)
> Spiders (and other _javascript_ disabled user agents) will follow the
> href link... other users will use the script and count the hit. It
> won't be perfect (ie, it won't count non-js agents) but I think it's
> a
> good alternative and is search engine friendly.
> --
> Kay Smoljak
> http://kay.smoljak.
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