
On Jul 15, 2004, at 5:41 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

> > What configure-- How? Where is that discussed?
>  >
>  I don't believe it is discussed anywhere. However, it is pretty clear
> that
>  if Eclipse is setup to do less then it will be faster. For example,
> turning
>  off automatic building can speed Java development since you don't
> have any
>  background threads compiling your code. You can also remove the
> outline,
>  task, problem, error, etc panes, which are updated in real time. I
> tend to
>  either minimize them or make them fast views, so they are there when
> I need
>  them, but aren't being redrawn when I don't.

OK, I turned off auto building and just closed all the other views
except package/navagitor & editor. I also closed all the open tabs but
one in each window.  I now have 3 Eclipse windows.

It is noticeably faster -- almost snappy -- less than 1/2 sec to switch
between any 2 of 3 windows

To paraphrase Sean, "we're moving in the right direction".

I actually prefer windows like this. I can afford the package/navigator
pane & I like the add'l real estate for the editor pane.

However, removal of the autobuild mitigates one of the advantages of
Eclipse for Java programs -- but it it is a tradeoff choice I can make
(and tolerate the resulting performance or inconvenience penalty) --

>  > How Do I provide addl resources?
>  >
>  You can use the standard java command-line switches to change the
> amount of
>  memory Eclipse has access to.

Prefer not to use CLI to invoke Eclipse -- but will if I know which
params to tweak (and how much ) -- and there is a payoff

What do you use on your PB?

As to any functionality issues (D&D, etc), I should address these to
the Eclipse site, -- just didn't know if it was worth the effort --
looks as if it may be!


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