
application.FooCFC.fooFunction("Peter", "Pizza");

<!--- In Foo CFC instantiated in an application scope var --->
<cffunction name="fooFunction" ... >
<cfargument name="First_Name" ... />
<cfargument name="Fav_Food" ... />
<!--- Do something else --->
<cfreturn something />

I passed the arguments to the function by position.  I don't have to state an explicit argument name - only the position.

If I did:
application.FooCFC.fooFunction( "Pizza","Peter");

My first name would be "Pizza" and my fav. food would be "Peter".

Does this make sense?

The reason why I only want to pass by position is that each method I could possibly be passing to has a different argument name for the argument in position one.  I'd either have to change that all or pass my argument by position instead of:

I don't know if there is a way I could make the method I want a variable and still pass it by position.  Otherwise I'll get out of cfscript and use cfinvoke and change all the first position argument to the same name.
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