Haven't done this in a while, but I think you can effectively disable
back by trapping the events.

Then you could put your own back button in the window, that goes to the
prior page & passes whatever info to the onload event

As I think about it, another way is to have a hidden frame with some
global js variables that indicate the status of the fields (initialized
by the initial page load & modified within the pages js).

Then, on a browser back, the onLoad could interrogate the globals and
reset the field status)



On Jul 19, 2004, at 7:42 AM, Stacy Young wrote:

> Something I've been meaning to address for ages that drives me nuts. No
>  luck yet.
>  When folks hit 'back' on their browsers, any HTML forms I have on
>  previous pages that have disabled certain fields via _javascript_ are
> once
>  again 'enabled' after that back button. Anyone know a trick to having
>  something verify the fields are in their correct state at that point
>  since the onload doesn't fire?
>  Thanks!
>  Stace
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