as a rule, you should try not to pull more records than you need.  if his
table contains a large amount of records, and he only needs 1, it's not
efficient to pull them all.

since he's using SQL Server, he has the newID() function available to him
(but be aware that it's SQL Server your app's "portability"
suffers a bit)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Langevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: Retrieve a random record from a database

> You could query for all public records and then use
> randRange(1,myquery.recordcount).  That'll give you a random row.  Then
> use the primary key to do whatever you need form there.  HTH.
> --Jeff
> Dustin Snell [Network Automation, Inc] wrote:
> > We have a database with a bunch of customer testimonials in it.
> > Records can
> > be added to it at anytime. Some are marked public and some or not. Does
> > anyone know how I could pull a single record randomly from the database
> > using MSSQL2000 and CF6.1 for display on the website - but only out of
> > records where public=1? I am just not sure how to structure the query
> > to do
> > this.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Dustin Snell
> > Network Automation, Inc
> >
> >
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