I've got a one-to-many table (Clients and Occupants) and I'd like to build an interface screen similar to what Access forms provides. That is, I can navigate the occupants using the prev/next button and I can also navigate the clients using a differnet prev/next button.
Here's my query to pull all the clients and associated occupant data.
<CFQUERY NAME="readesi" DATASOURCE="esidb1">
SELECT DISTINCT occupantid, tbloccupants.clientname, occname, occtype, ext, tbloccupants.acctstatus, suiteid, dddid,
occcell, occemail, occphserial, occemail, occremoteoffice, occhome, occpager, occvmbox, accesscardno, cardassigned,
cardreturned, nokeys, furnitureno, dateentered, tbloccupants.comments, occip
FROM tblMasterClients, tbloccupants
where tblmasterclients.clientname = tbloccupants.clientname
ORDER BY tbloccupants.clientname
Make sense?
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