Thanks for the ideas, here are some answers to them:

Session vars are already created before getting to the form processing page (where the CFLOCATION is used).  They are created on the FORM page itself (actually the application.cfm will get them created via CFPARM).

The versions of software on the Mac seems to vary.  I think that one of the Mac users said that they tried Safari and it worked fine, so this may be an IE/Mac problem, but I cannot think of anything for them to check, since the usual suspect (cookies being disabled) is not the case, since the CF tokens being reported from the browser are the same from one page to the next, that would mean that cookies are ok.

Server is running CFMX.  

I'm not doing anything with the headers.

Thanks, need more ideas!

>At 09:26 PM 7/22/2004, you wrote:
>>Craps out on a Mac.  I've had a couple of Mac users try it, all see the same
>I would be surprised if this was a Mac issue. Rather, it is probably IE on
>Mac, or Safari, or Firefox. The Mac OS itself does not have any typical
>settings which would affect a browser's ability to handle cookies.
>>It doesn't look like the session vars are keeping their values.  The form
>>processing page stored the member id and name in 2 session vars, and the
>>CFLOCATIONs back to the members-only "home page."  That page always checks
>>to see if the user is logged in by checking for a non-zero member ID, and if
>>the user is not logged in then puts up the logon screen.  For some reason
>>when Mac users do this, the session var values being set on the form
>>processing page are not there when the home page CF script is processed.
>It helps to know versions of things. CF5 behaves differently than CFMX, and
>IE on Mac OS 9 behaves differently than IE under Mac OS X. I assume you are
>running CF5. Be careful using cflocation on pages that set cookies, because
>the cookies will not be set under CF5. Creating a session variable for the
>first time is the same as setting a cookie. So if you have a cflocation on
>the same page that sets the session variable for the first time, the
>session variable will not be retained to the next page because the cookie
>will not make it back to the browser. I belive this behavior was changed
>(fixed) under CFMX. So, experiment with the use of cflocation to see if
>that helps. The other tags to check are cfhtmlhead and cfheader. Using
>cfheader on the same page as cflocation can lead to problems. Most people
>do not use either of these tags.
>Good luck,
>Mike Chabot
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