
Please provide more detail. Is the form sending this data a ".cfm" file?
What's the name of the file with the SQL statement on it? In what scope
are the variables name and email (url/form...)?



On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 21:40:33 -0400, Sangeeta Karmokar
> I am posting this question and no one is responding... Can anyone
please respond. I think I am sounding dum in your world...
> Sangeeta
> > Can anyone help me....
> >
> > I am new to CF. we have backend as MySql and I am trying to insert
> > into
> > a database created in SQL using this query:
> >
> >
> > <cfquery name="add" datasource="newmembers">
> >
> > INSERT INTO members
> >
> > (name,email)
> >
> > VALUES ('#name#','#email#')
> > </cfquery>
> >
> > But it is not adding to the database, the submit is just going to
> >
> > query page and we can see all these codes in browsers...
> >
> > I think the problem is, coldfusion server is not parsing code before
> > handing it over to the webserver. we are working on Mac OS
> > X with MySql.
> >
> > How to fix this problem...
> > I really need help...
> >
> >
> > Sangeeta
> >
> >

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