Hi list,  

I'm working on my very first custom tag.  I was writing a specific routine to collect 
the contents of the CFCATCH structure when it occurred to me that a more general 
solution might be useful.  So, what this tag is intended to do is to take a variable - 
simple, array, or structure, or any combination (array of structures of arrays, etc.) 
- and append all of the component names and values into one string.  What I have here 
does correctly traverse and output a nest of structures/arrays, but I can't seem to 
collect it all into one variable.  There must be more to "caller.variable" than meets 
the eye.  What happens in the calling page is that "message" has the name of the last 
component of the outer structure.

Can anyone tell me what I am missing?  Thanks very much.  (And I hope the recursion 
doesn't give anyone a headache!)

<!--- CF_output_unknown [input] test_object [output] message ¯->

<cfif IsDefined("attributes.test_object") IS "No">
        <cfset #caller.message# = "">
<cfelseif #IsSimpleValue(attributes.test_object)#>
        <cfset #caller.message# = #attributes.message# & #attributes.test_object#>
<cfelseif #IsStruct(attributes.test_object)#>
        <CFLOOP COLLECTION=#attributes.test_object# item="struct">
                <cfset #caller.message# = #attributes.message# & #struct# & " = ">
                <cfoutput><BR>#struct# = </cfoutput> 
                <CF_output_unknown test_object=#attributes.test_object[struct]# 
<cfelseif #IsArray(attributes.test_object)#>
        <CFLOOP index=i from=1 to= #arrayLen(attributes.test_object)#>
                <CF_output_unknown test_object=#attributes.test_object[i]# message= 
        <Cfset #caller.message# = #attributes.message# & "Unable to proceed with 

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