Is this in CFMX?  This won't work in CF5 or earlier.  They don't
recognize \d as digits.


Matt Robertson wrote:

> I'm trying to use this code and it keeps throwing out the string
> whether its valid or not.  I know I'm doing something wrong but am a
> dilettante at best when it comes to regexes.  I also tried Ben Forta's
> phone regex out of his book with similarly bad results, so its
> definitely me doing something stupid here.
> ThisRegex="[\(.]?[2-9]\d\d[\).]?[ -]?[2-9]\d\d[-.]\d{4}";
> if (not REFind(ThisRegex, form.myphonefield) {
> ...
> What is my coffee-starved Monday morning brainlet missing here?
> --
> --Matt Robertson--
> MSB Designs, Inc.
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