You are missing 2 commas.

-----Original Message-----
From: daniel kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 4:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: update code not working

I have an bit of code to update an edited record.  I'm getting the error "[Oracle]ORA-00927: missing equal sign" in the line WHERE ce_email = '#Form.ce_email#'.
I can't spot the error.  Any suggestions?

  update careerexpo2004
  set ce_orgname = '#Form.ce_orgname#',
  ce_street = '#Form.ce_street#',
  ce_city = '#Form.ce_city#',
  ce_state = #Form.ce_state#,
  ce_zip= #Form.ce_zip#,
  ce_phone = '#Form.ce_phone#',
  ce_fax = #Form.ce_fax#,
  ce_email = #Form.ce_email#,
  ce_repfname = #Form.ce_repfname#
  ce_replname = '#Form.ce_replname#',
  ce_contactfname = '#Form.ce_contactfname#',
  ce_contactlname = '#Form.ce_contactlname#',
  ce_datesubmitted = '#Form.ce_datesubmitted#'
   WHERE ce_email = '#Form.ce_email#'
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