I was using 4.0 for quite a while during it's beta run.  It was rock
solid.  Can't speak for 4.1, as I haven't used it at all, but the
MySQL guys seem to do it right.  I wouldn't use it for a mission
critical app, but for internal stuff like a bug tracker, I'd go for
it.  Especially if I knew I was probably going to be using it for
production systems in the future, just to have a chance to play with
it beforehand.


On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 13:47:02 -0400, Damien McKenna
> How reliable is MySQL 4.1?  I know its flagged as beta but would it be
> safe to use for a small task, e.g. a bug tracker?
> --
> Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The Limu Company - http://www.thelimucompany.com/ - 407-804-1014
> "Nothing endures but change." - Heraclitus
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