I have a page that displays details about a document file on the system (word doc).  The word doc has a status assigned to it (1-7) - such as uploaded, downloaded, live, deleted etc.

There is a select pulldown on the details page that goes to the correct status.

If you click on the resume filename, there's an href to a download.cfm page which forces a file download box (I don't want it to display in browser) and runs and update query to change the status to 7 (which is the status for "downloaded").

Problem is, I can't get the status pulldown on the details page to update to reflect the new status - even though download.cfm is running the query and the status is being written to the page.

Here's some relevent code snippets:

-- link to download file ---
<a href="">
-- and the status select code --
<cfquery name="selStatus" datasource="#Session.DSN#">
  FROM tblStatus
  WHERE display
<select name="statusSelect">
   <cfloop query="selStatus">
       <option value="#selStatus.status_id#"
         <cfif selStatus.status_ID EQ  selResume.res_status>selected</cfif>>

-- when you click on the link to download the file a select query is run to get the file name, then an update to change the status to 7, and then cfheader and cfcontent to do the download:

<cfquery name="selResume" datasource="#Session.DSN#">
  SELECT res_filename
  FROM tblResume
  WHERE res_id = <cfqueryparam value="#resID#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
<cfquery name="updResume" datasource="#Session.DSN#">
  UPDATE tblResume
  SET res_status = 7,
      res_dla = #CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#
  WHERE res_id = <cfqueryparam value="#resID#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
<cfset session.mainuploadpath="C:\inetpub\users\dev\bronstein\files"><cfoutput><cfheader name="content-disposition" VALUE="attachment; filename=#selResume.res_filename#">
<cfcontent type="application/octet-stream" file="#session.mainuploadpath#\#selResume.res_filename#" Deletefile="no">

-- everything works there fine, except that the pulldown select on details.cfm never gets "reloaded" to change the status - even though the status ID is now 7.

I've tried all sorts of cflocation, and some basic _javascript_ but I can't seem to get that details.cfm page to reload the select.

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