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Hey cf people,

Are they any bugs or certain methods for sessions and frames? I only ask
this because we are getting a weird thing happening now with our server. We
have a page of links which point to a framed page which loads a site in the
upper frame and a cfm control page in the lower. But for some reason after
the user logs in and then clicks on any of these links which load up in this
frame set the lower cf control page is not seeing them as logged in and
sends them back to the login screen. Am I missing something here in the
scope of the application.cfm usage. The above control page is in a
subdirectory off the root which is where the above application.cfm is

Shawn Regan

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<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
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<TITLE>Sessions and frames</TITLE>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Hey cf people,</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Are they any bugs or certain methods for sessions and =
frames? I only ask this because we are getting a weird thing happening =
now with our server. We have a page of links which point to a framed =
page which loads a site in the upper frame and a cfm control page in =
the lower. But for some reason after the user logs in and then clicks =
on any of these links which load up in this frame set the lower cf =
control page is not seeing them as logged in and sends them back to the =
login screen. Am I missing something here in the scope of the =
application.cfm usage. The above control page is in a subdirectory off =
the root which is where the above application.cfm is =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Shawn Regan</FONT>

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