A free eBook I found quite useful can be found at


It's called "The Definitive Guide to SQL Server Performance and
It covers a lot of tuning aspects, including monitoring the server itself.
Very useful stuff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Mulholland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 August 2004 13:32
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: SQL Server admin/tuning

I was looking for a recommendation on a book that would give one a basis
or better understanding of SQL server admin/performance tuning.  

I'm looking for a book that would be useful to someone with a working
knowledge of SQL server from the queries/stored procedures/DTS
package/table/db design standpoint, but looking to gain some more
knowledge on the maintenance and admin of the server itself.  Only admin
type functions I have done are some scripts to truncate logs.

Any recommendations?


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