On Aug 17, 2004, at 8:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  We always welcome ideas, so if you have some for Gateways, we'd love
> to hear them.  I'm sure if there's demand, there will be enterprising
> 3rd parties anxious to meet the demand.  In fact, it's already
> happening :)

If someone hasn't already done it, Email-driven CFCs:

Trigger an event & invoke a CFC when email is received at a specific
email account

My first CF host provider (iTools, later Zanova) wrote a custom mailer
(circa 1998) where:

1) When you defined an email account you could specify that a cfm be
run when an email was received.
2) AIR, the cfm was passed variables containing all the email parts (as
if a form had been submitted)

This should be easy to implement using cfcs and the event gateway.

I wrote a simple but effective (at the time) app to demo this feature

Send an email to the designated account with a list of stock symbols in
the body.

my cfm would be triggered, retrieve stock quotes from wherever & send a
return email

So, if you were away from your computer, you could use your cell phone
to send the email, and get back stock quotes

But email-driven cfcs offer a lot of possibilities.

They (Zanova) even had the ability to reboot a server with this facility

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