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 I have set my date/time field "datetime" to a default value
of Now().  That works great for new records that are added.
I can display that date field (e.g. "Last Updated
#CreateODBCDateTime(datetime)#").  My question, though, is
about updates - my users can update some of the fields in
that table with updated/more recent info, and I'd like to
change that date/time field to reflect these changes.

Do I do a CFSET on the datetime field?  Any ideas / help
would be greatly appreciated!


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fn:             Jamie Symonds
n:              Symonds;Jamie
adr:            Box 780;;St. F.X.U.;Antigonish;Nova Scotia;B2G 2X1;Canada
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:          Bachelor of Information Systems, Major (student)
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x-mozilla-html: TRUE
version:        2.1
end:            vcard


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