> Anyone know the trick to get utf-8 data stored in a database to display
properly in cf-5?

it never will properly. i could get text into/out of a db (sql server) as
utf-8 ok but no cf string functions will work with it--cf5 pretty much
ignored char encodings & just used iso-8859-1. as far as i know production
mysql doesn't work with unicode, so sorting, searching, etc. will be an

> I can display text in kanji and all the other languages fine, and can
store them properly in the mysql database. When I display the data from the
database in cf, they are displayed as squares.

does "can store them properly " include sorting, searching, etc. working? if
the text is displayed as squares, thats a matter of the browser not being
able to render the char (vs "?" which means corrupted). are you using a font
that understands utf-8?

> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

this helps in cf5.

> I thought cf5 worked with unicode. Is it an ODBC issue? Any ideas?

no, it never worked with unicode.
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