> Oh yeah, you need an application.cfm in that folder too!!!
> What happens if you create a new folder under cfide/administrator/test
> and add the file index.cfm with the line <cfdump var="#server#">?
> What do you get then?
> --Ferg


*THAT* was interesting!

Here's what happened.

When we put it in (http://dev.lhwh.com/CFIDE/administrator/test/index.cfm)
we got gibberish.

THEN we went up one directory, and renamed "Application.cfm" to
"1Application.cfm" (remember, this is UP one directory from test, in the
"administrator" directory).

NOW...we run (http://dev.lhwh.com/CFIDE/administrator/test/index.cfm) and we
get a little gibberish at the top, and we see our dump.

THEN we went up one MORE directory and renamed "Application.cfm" to

Now...no gibberish.

Go look yourself!


Any ideas now? Anyone?
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