----- Original Message -----
  From: Hugo Ahlenius
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:43 AM
  Subject: Re: URL's with variables

  Have you ruled out the web-server? It should (in theory) work in any
  browser, they are just using a text-based reference to an information source
  (i.e. url) and shouldn't care how it is typed (note tahat I haven't read the
  rfc's though...).

  To see if it is the server, do a request and see what you get back (a 404, a
  302 or a 209?). What I think could be the problem is if index.cfm is not set
  up to be the default handler. Is the dev/stage/production environment using
  similar setups (in web-server?).

  I am using the form below quite extensively, on cfmx bws and Apache (doesn't
  work in bd bws though, i have filed a bug for that). Not fully SES, but it
  makes the url shorter.


  (this is Mach-II so all cf requests go to index.cfm, which is the entry
  point for the framework)

  Hugo Ahlenius                  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Project Officer                Phone:            +46 8 230460
  UNEP GRID-Arendal              Fax:              +46 8 230441
  Stockholm Office               Mobile:         +46 733 467111
                                 WWW:       http://www.grida.no

  ---- Original Message ----
  From: "Ewok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 00:39
  Subject: URL's with variables

  | I am just curious to kow if anyone knows first hand of any problems
  | when it comes to using or not using the document name in a url with
  | variables...
  | example:
  | site.com/index.cfm?somevar=value
  | is the same as
  | site.com/?somevar=value
  | I just did an entire site this way and it worked just fine on the dev
  | server. but once it went to the demo server (i am told) that it
  | caused alot of errors.
  | Ive hit almost every page in the site with variabels in the url on
  | the dev box and taken the vars out of the url manually to hit the
  | page again and I havent found one incident where the error trapping
  | didnt redirect as it should when certain vars were missing.
  | Has anyone experienced any errors (or any differences for that
  | matter) when you exclude the template name from your urls?
  | there is only one index.cfm in the entire site and that is the
  | default doc for the site in IIS
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