Hi, folks

    I´m making a search engine for a web site and I´m having some problems,
it would be great if someone could help me.

    I have to make searches in results of searches in the web site, and I
can´t make them work.

    Is it posible to index the results of the searches in the web site?

    Here is the code:

 name = "GetResults"
 collection = "portel"
 criteria = "#Form.Criteria#"
 maxRows = "#Evaluate(Form.MaxRows + 1)#"
 startRow = "#Form.StartRow#">

<cfloop query="GetResults">

<cfindex  collection="resbusqueda"

I always get blank results in the next search that is bellow:

 name = "GetResults"
 collection = "#Form.SearchCollection#"
 criteria = "#Form.Criteria#"
 maxRows = "#Evaluate(Form.MaxRows + 1)#"
 startRow = "#Form.StartRow#">

and the values passed to this template are correct all of them.

Please some one help. Thanks in advance.

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