> This may not be possible but...

> Doesn anyone know of a way to get this or something
> similar to work?

> <cfset strSQL = "select ColumnName from TableName where
> ColumnName=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype=""CF_SQL_VARCHAR""
> value=""#Variable#"">">

> <cfquery>
> #preserveSingleQuotes(strSQL)#
> </cfquery>

No, unfortunately there's no way to store a queryparam in a string --
I'm sure largely because a query that uses cfqueryparam actually
places the queryparam information as two separate strings in different
locations in the sql syntax...

imo uses of preservesinglequotes are also usually a bad idea...

The ontap framework has a fairly involved API for generating most
common query syntax and allows you to build joins and where clauses
prior to executing the qeury, but the query itself is executed in a
handful of custom tags which manage the cfquery tag for you. This or
something like it would allow you to pre-build the sql syntax, and at
the same time continue to use cfqueryparam as the tags which call the
cfquery tag ensure its use.

Some examples of my own code:

// create a local pointer to the sql library
sql = request.tapi.sql;

// get all columns from a single record in a table
rsUser = sql.select("*","usertable",

// get two columns from all records in a table
rsOptions = sql.select("optlabel,optvalue","optiontable");

// delete a single record from a table

// update the user table with data from the form scope

s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117

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