there is a timeout setting in the CFADMIN tool for this.  I'd guess
turning off teh 'maintain connections' should kill each connection
after the timeout, maybe before I can't recall.  ah...the docs have

Timeout (min)
The maximum number of minutes after the data source connection is
made that you want ColdFusion MX to cache a connection after it is

Interval (min)
The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check
for expired data source connections to close.


----- Original Message -----
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:44:28 -0500
Subject: database connections

Here is the deal.

I have CFMX on my laptop with dev apps that connect to the mssql
server. I use an app that hits 3 different data sources which would
create 3 processes on the sql server.

Lets say I shut down and restart my laptop and run the app again. I
now have 6 processes running on the sql server.

In CF Admin I have maintain connections checked. If I uncheck it, will
that help or fix the problem?

Also, is there a way to time out connections on the sql server?

Phillip B.________________________________
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