Our main objectives were to choose something that allowed us to load and
functionally test our CF, and Java, apps with an emphasis on low cost.
Segue SilkPerformer
Empirix E-Test
Here's a very brief summary of what I found:
SilkPerformer - very flexible package that requires some programming
knowledge to alter the generated scripts. The main drawback for us was the
cost, as it can run into several thousand pounds. This does have excellent
analysis routines which makes getting some sense out of the resulting data
very easy. I've used this at other companies in the past.
E-Test Suite - this was my favourite. Very quick and easy to use. Setting up
dynamic elements in the scripts could be easily accomplished. We had to
create thousands of unique data elements to fully test our application and
this allowed us to query an existing database and re-use those elements in
the load testing. The cost can be less than SilkPerformer.
OpenSTA - This is an open source package and consequently free. It did the
job although the interface was a little rough around the edges. The results
were also very rough. By rough I mean it was very difficult to actually
interpret what they mean. There was only a few set graphs and these didn't
make much sense on their own. On the plus side it did have a good concept
whereby reusable "objects" are defined. For instance, you have to create
"probes" to monitor certain elements and then create scripts. These were
then combined to create test suites.
I know this is only very brief and biased towards cost, but hopefully you'll
find it useful. Incidentally, Empirix offered me an online session with one
of their representatives to demonstrate the product. This proved very useful
as I had some experience of testing with SilkPerformer.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 31 August 2004 18:34
To: CF-Talk
Subject: application testing
It's been awhile since I've posted but this seems like a good time to =
get some expert opinions.=20
I have been tasked with evaluating application testing software and =
would like to get an idea what other CF developer's use. I'm primarily =
interested in static, functional and regression testing, and some load =
analysis would be helpful but not necessary. I'm looking at:
Seapine's QA Wizard
Parasoft's WebKing
Empirix's E-Test Suite
OpenDemand's OpenLoad
We do a lot of extranet sites with multiple users and entitlements. Not =
much in the way of public or high demand enterprise e-commerce sites.
Any experiences, insights, or thread references are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
John Chase
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