Dave which version of the Oracle JDBC drivers are you using?


----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Carabetta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 13:23:19 -0400
Subject: Re: Cold Fusion and Oracle "Unsupported Data Conversion"

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 13:15:31 -0400, Adrocknaphobia
> Yeah, according to Forta one of the major reasons they relased the 6.1
> Updater was because they got some new drivers made for Blackstone and
> didnt want to make us wait for them. Previously the lastest dataDirect
> driver they released was 3.3, so I assume that the ones included with
> the 6.1 Updater are 3.4.
> NEway, I got one task in between me and deploying different drivers to
> our test servers. I'll let you know what I find.
> There is also a 3rd reason I'm testing other drivers... LOBs. We keep
> running into issues using BLOBs with CFMX. Currently I have java
> classes in place for each application to manage clobs, but I'd like to
> get it to work with stored procedures.

The Updater is still using the 3.3 driver family, but just a later
build (I *believe* it's build 48).

We are actually still using the Updater 3 Plus Oracle drivers because
all drivers released after that set have issues (removeOnExceptions in
pre-Rollup releases and dropping client variables in the latest
Updater Rollup). Since we've downgraded the drivers, we haven't had to
re-boot our instances once for performance reasons.

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