Create and ODBC connection to an excel file. So long as you save the
file as the same name all the time it should work out ok.


On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 16:51:17 -0400, Mark Murphy
> We have an interesting user requirement to be able to download an excel spreadsheet from one of our systems (a simple data grid-type sheet), make changes to the xls, and upload it back to the web server to have the records automatically added/updated/deleted in one operation.
> I can envision the CF logic to do the add/update/delete processing, but before I get that far, how can I get CF to query an uploaded spreadsheet?  Isn't there a way to setup a datasource inline in a cfquery?  Or do I have to mess around with createobject() and have excel installed on the server, etc?  Has anyone done this?
> Thanks
> -Mark
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